A Compendium of Amazing and Inspiring Female Travel Bloggers

For the second consecutive year, Evelyn Hannon has created an online photography exhibit on her blog to mark International Women’s Day, which is coming up on Saturday. When I was notified that one of my photos was selected for this year’s exhibit, I immediately went and checked out the entire photo essay. It got me thinking about all of the incredible women travellers in my life and how much they inspire, amaze, and entertain me. A list began to form in my mind, so I decided to share it here.

Tammy Burns

Tammy writes the most fun, poignant pieces on her blog, and in her spare time she is Editor at Travel + Escape where she has to deal with my nonsense on a regular basis.

Liz Carlson

Delightfully opinionated and sassy, Liz also has a strong geek streak. Someday I will visit Hobbiton just like she has.

Vanessa Chiasson

I think of Vanessa as the Martha Stewart of travel. She is an encyclopedia of tips and hacks to make travelling more efficient and, more importantly, massively upgrade the enjoyment factor. I also appreciate her enthusiasm for sweets and seafaring rogues.

Vanessa Chiasson. Photo courtesy of Turnipseed Travel
Vanessa Chiasson. Photo courtesy of Turnipseed Travel

Geraldine De Ruiter

Geraldine makes me giggle. We both have holes in our heads. In an alternate universe we could be best friends.

Annemarie Dooling

Chuck Norris doesn’t hold a candle to Annemarie who, in addition to garnering much respect as a blogger, editor, and speaker, is on a first-name basis with Grumpy Cat.

Nora Dunn

A trained financial planner, Nora helps me to delude convince myself that perpetual travel is a sane life choice.

Jo Fitzsimons

Just as her blog’s name suggests, it’s easy to imagine Jo swinging from a rope through snake-infested ancient ruins or cracking a whip to fend off the wayward advances of inebriated ne’er-do-wells.


In addition to being to blame for convincing me that it’s normal to travel with stuffed animals, Linda is the first nomad I ever knew and planted that seed in my mind many years ago. She’s obviously a dangerous influence. You have been warned.

Evelyn Hannon

Evelyn is a pioneer and the godmother of travel bloggers and travelling women alike. Her site, Journeywoman, is one of the most established travel blogs around and serves as an invaluable resource for female travellers.

Emma Holliday

With the name Holliday, Emma may have been preordained to be a travel writer. Officially, her blog is about tea and travel, but in the right mood you can easily get her talking about Doctor Who and other geekalicious pleasures.
Cassie Kifer in LA
Cassie Kifer looks on as a man shoots a dramatic selfie in Los Angeles

Cassie Kifer

I love Cassie’s socially-conscous take on travel and all of the neat finds she posts about.  She’s also a mighty fine companion on a photo walk.

Becki Kremer

Becky only started travelling for reals when she met her husband Andy and took her first international trip. She has taken to it with gusto!

Pam Mandel

Pam and I disagree about some things, but there are two subjects we’re in 100% solidarity on: the superiority of the ukulele, and that nerds rule.

Karyn Means

Because I feel like I’m barely managing to keep myself out of trouble most of the time, parents like Karyn never cease to amaze me. Her well-travelled little ones are some of the luckiest kiddos alive.

Katrinka Nadworny

Shooting her photographs with film is only the beginning of Katrinka’s badassery. She was named Storyteller of the Year for 2013 by HostelWorld. We share an affinity for swordplay.
Katrinka Nadworny
Katrinka Nadworny in Istanbul (obviously!) Photo courtesy of Katrinka Abroad.

Sherry Ott

Blog: Ottsworld
Sherry was my mentor at BlogHouse and I have an enormous amount of respect for how she has been able to be a digital nomad for many years. Her insights into the practicalities of perpetual travel are gold.

Arienne Parzei

Arienne is my role model in the world of videography, and she has graciously shared her expertise with me in my as yet unfulfilled quest to get into making films for this blog. Watch for cameos by yours truly in her video about Toronto’s Distillery District.

Andrea Rees

In my hands an iPhone is a device for populating the world with blurry photos of my fingers, but in Andrea’s it is a tool for making art. This professional photographer took her skills to Africa with The heART of a Woman Project, where she taught iPhoneography to nine women so that they can make greeting cards to sell and earn money to support their families.

Sally Robinson

Hunt Museum Sally Robinson
Sally Robinson in historical costume at the Hunt Museum in Limerick

Blog: Robinson Rambles On

A skilled photographer, public speaker, and limerick writer, Sally’s enthusiasm is infectious.

Kay Rodriguez

Last year I made the prediction that this young firecracker and go-getter will be President of the Universe someday. I stand by that assessment. You read it here first, people.

Megan Smith

You learn a lot about someone when you share a bed with them. Megan’s blog chronicles her travels as she attempts to find a new direction in her life after ending a significant relationship and quitting her job.

Alicia Taggio

I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Alicia for co-founding the stupendous Toronto Travel Massive, where I hang out with my tribe. She’s also one of the most cheerful people I know.

Sally Thelen

Because unicorns. And cookies. And being brave enough to go solo and the candour to own up to daunting challenges like non-fitting pants and full-length photos. It’s a hilarious combination.  Amirite?

Mariellen Ward

You may know her as my personal tea guru, but Mariellen’s blog is about meaningful, transformative travel. She’s also co-founder of Toronto Travel Massive and founder of WeGoSolo, a movement that supports female solo travel.

That’s the end of my list. I encourage you to pay these ladies a visit by checking out their incredible blogs.
So, who are the women that inspire you?


    1. Why thank you. To be honest, I’m not friends with every single one of these incredible ladies. Some of them I admire from afar and fantasize about being friendsin a Jennifer Lawrence-y kind of way. But that’s totally normal, right?

    1. You’re welcome, Becki. I’m tickled pink to have made your day. It’s so fun to hear about your experiences as a newbie traveller. I hope our paths will cross someday soon and I will finally meet you in person.

  1. I am honoured to be on this amazing list! Thanks Steph for including me and introducing me to bloggers I hadn’t seen before. I share many of the same sentiments as you for several of the women on your list. I have much respect for you and love the way you tell the stories of your geektastic adventures.

    1. Thanks Andrea. You truly are an inspiration. Witnessing your heART of a Woman project blossom from idea into reality has been incredible and I love your upbeat attitude.

  2. Oh look…there I am again dressing up in crazy clothes 🙂 Thanks so much for including me in such a wonderful line up of lovely ladies #WomenRule2014

    1. Don’t be daft, my dear. You limped around St. Louis with me AND have been my friend for the ensuing decade, during which time you, among other things, inspired me to undertake 101 goals in 1001 days and some of the accomplishments achieved therein later gave me the confidence to start this blog. Butterfly Effect, baby!

  3. Wow, I’m really impressed (and envious of) Arienne’s video skills. I can hardly bring myself to podcast, let alone stand in front of a camera!

    I’m headng out to my spring job soon, but I am definitely going to be visiting your blog friends over the next few weeks. 🙂

    1. I know, right? I can’t even stand to hear the sound of my own voice, so I don’t know how much of a chance I have at video stardom. Arienne is amazing, and I’ve seen firsthand how much work and expertise goes into her films.

  4. Hey lady!, thank you so much for including me and giving me some more fun blogs to check out! Big hug and I can’t wait to see you when you come visit NorCal!

  5. Thank you thank you THANK YOU for including me in this list 🙂 You are too kind! I’ll try not to let you down with that president of the universe business 😛

  6. Good Lord! Are there yet more of you divinely crazy lady bloggers?

    Pete, who travels with a stuffed toy animal

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